As the birthplace of Silicon Valley, Palo Alto City owns and operates its own utility, sewer, and storm drainage services. The Palo Alto Utility Department has received many awards and honors for its unique operating and safety systems. The beauty of our Santa Clara County area has always been considered a great tourism and future technological attraction. Our neighboring communities, including East Palo Alto, Menlo Park, and Los Altos Hill, are a part of this 100-year-old city. Palo Alto is named after its tall, majestic coastal redwood trees.
Our full-service sewer line repair methods provide both a trench system for repairs and an open-cut method or trenchless sewer repair. Through both of these operations, we are able to efficiently reach damaged or clogged underground pipes. Unfortunately, there will come a time when problems develop within any sewer line system. The purpose of a sewer line repair method is to gain access to the area surrounding the damaged portion of the pipeline. A sewer or septic system is basically simple in its operation, consisting of a septic tank and a drainage area.